









1. 严谨的按摩手法:小亮在按摩过程中,注重手法规范,力度适中,确保顾客在舒适的状态下达到放松效果。他的手法娴熟,轻重有度,让顾客在按摩过程中充分感受到专业与温暖。

2. 良好的沟通能力:小亮在服务过程中,会主动与顾客沟通,了解他们的需求和身体状况。他会根据顾客的反馈,及时调整按摩力度和手法,确保顾客得到最满意的体验。

3. 贴心的服务态度:小亮深知,服务不仅仅是按摩,更是一种关爱。他始终以顾客为中心,用心倾听,细心呵护,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,感受到家的温馨。

4. 丰富的按摩经验:小亮从事按摩行业多年,积累了丰富的实践经验。他熟练掌握各种按摩技巧,能够针对不同顾客的需求,提供专业的服务。















1. 用拇指和食指轻轻揉捏太阳穴,持续约1分钟。
2. 用中指和无名指指腹从眉毛上方开始,沿着发际线向耳后按摩,重复5次。
3. 用手指指腹轻轻按摩头顶的百会穴,持续约1分钟。



1. 用手掌根部轻轻按压肩部肌肉,从肩胛骨上方开始,向下至肩关节,重复5次。
2. 用拇指和食指捏住肩部肌肉,轻轻揉捏,持续约1分钟。
3. 用手指指腹轻轻按摩颈部肌肉,从颈部后方开始,向上至头部,重复5次。



1. 用一只手抓住另一只手臂,从手腕开始向上按摩至肩膀,重复5次。
2. 用手指指腹轻轻揉捏手臂肌肉,从手腕开始向上至肩膀,重复5次。
3. 用手掌根部轻轻按压手臂肌肉,从手腕开始向上至肩膀,重复5次。



1. 用一只手抓住小腿肌肉,从脚踝开始向上按摩至膝盖,重复5次。
2. 用手指指腹轻轻揉捏小腿肌肉,从脚踝开始向上至膝盖,重复5次。
3. 用手掌根部轻轻按压小腿肌肉,从脚踝开始向上至膝盖,重复5次。



1. 用一只手抓住足部,从脚趾开始向上按摩至脚跟,重复5次。
2. 用手指指腹轻轻揉捏足部肌肉,从脚趾开始向上至脚跟,重复5次。
3. 用手掌根部轻轻按压足部肌肉,从脚趾开始向上至脚跟,重复5次。







1. 顶级设施:尚豪桑拿中心拥有多种桑拿设备,包括干蒸、湿蒸、盐蒸、冰蒸等,满足不同顾客的需求。此外,中心还设有宽敞的休息区、茶室、咖啡厅等,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能品味美食、畅谈人生。

2. 专业按摩:尚豪桑拿中心拥有一支专业的按摩师团队,提供全身按摩、足疗、刮痧等多种按摩服务。按摩师手法娴熟,能够有效缓解疲劳、舒缓肌肉酸痛,让顾客在享受按摩的过程中,彻底放松身心。

3. 健身锻炼:中心设有专业的健身房,配备多种健身器材,顾客可以根据自己的需求进行锻炼。在健身的同时,中心还提供私人教练服务,帮助顾客制定合理的健身计划,实现健康生活。

4. 美容护理:尚豪桑拿中心设有美容护理区,提供专业的美容、护肤、美甲等服务。在这里,顾客可以享受到专业的美容师带来的个性化服务,让肌肤焕发青春光彩。


1. 舒适的休息区:尚豪桑拿中心设有宽敞的休息区,环境优雅,设施齐全。顾客可以在这里品茗、阅读、聊天,尽情享受悠闲时光。

2. 时尚的茶室:中心设有时尚的茶室,提供各类名茶供顾客品鉴。在这里,顾客可以品尝到正宗的茶香,感受茶文化的魅力。

3. 私密空间:尚豪桑拿中心设有私密空间,满足顾客对隐私的需求。在这里,顾客可以尽情放松,享受专属的桑拿体验。


1. 个性化服务:尚豪桑拿中心根据顾客的需求,提供个性化服务。顾客可以提前预约,享受专属的按摩、美容、健身等服务。

2. 24小时营业:中心全天候营业,方便顾客随时享受桑拿、按摩等休闲服务。

3. 贴心的服务:中心员工热情周到,为顾客提供全方位的贴心服务,让顾客感受到家的温馨。








1. 干蒸桑拿:采用天然中草药配方,通过高温蒸煮,使皮肤毛孔扩张,促进血液循环,从而达到排汗、排毒、养生的效果。

2. 湿蒸桑拿:利用蒸汽作用于人体,使皮肤毛孔扩张,加速新陈代谢,缓解疲劳,提高免疫力。

3. 花草浴:选用各种名贵花草,如薰衣草、玫瑰、菊花等,通过浸泡、熏蒸等方式,为顾客带来独特的花草养生体验。

4. 红酒浴:红酒浴具有美容养颜、抗衰老、促进血液循环等功效,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,还能品尝到红酒的美味。



1. 针对性按摩:根据顾客的身体状况和需求,提供个性化的按摩方案,如颈椎按摩、肩部按摩、腰部按摩等。

2. 指压按摩:运用指压、揉捏、拍打等手法,缓解肌肉疲劳,改善血液循环。

3. 热石按摩:利用加热后的天然石材按摩,具有舒缓肌肉、缓解疼痛、促进血液循环等作用。



1. 面部护理:采用天然植物精华,为顾客提供深层清洁、保湿、美白、抗衰老等面部护理。

2. 身体护理:通过精油、磨砂、按摩等手法,为顾客提供全身放松、舒缓疲劳、改善肤质等效果。

3. 美容仪器:运用先进的美容仪器,如超声波、射频等,为顾客提供专业、高效的皮肤护理。






1. 桑拿:桑拿是桑拿中心最基本的服务项目,通过高温蒸汽作用于身体,促进血液循环,排除体内毒素,达到放松身心的效果。

2. 按摩:桑拿中心提供多种按摩服务,如中式按摩、泰式按摩、足疗等,帮助顾客缓解疲劳,舒缓肌肉紧张。

3. 水疗:水疗是利用水的物理特性,通过不同的水温、水流、水压等手段,对身体进行按摩和刺激,达到放松身心、美容养生的目的。

4. 健身:部分桑拿中心设有健身房,提供跑步机、动感单车、哑铃等健身器材,供顾客在休闲之余进行锻炼。

5. 餐饮:一些桑拿中心设有餐厅,提供各种美食,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能品尝到美味佳肴。


1. 证照齐全:正规的桑拿中心必须持有相关证照,包括营业执照、卫生许可证、消防许可证等,以确保顾客的权益。

2. 严格的管理制度:桑拿中心需建立健全的管理制度,包括员工培训、卫生管理、消防安全等,确保场所安全、卫生。

3. 服务规范:桑拿中心员工需具备一定的专业素养,按照规范流程为顾客提供服务,不得强行推销、骚扰顾客。

4. 顾客隐私保护:桑拿中心应尊重顾客隐私,不得泄露顾客个人信息,确保顾客在享受服务过程中的舒适度。

5. 公平竞争:桑拿中心应遵守公平竞争原则,不得进行虚假宣传、恶意竞争等不正当行为。






I am very grateful for this, and I am very kind to Xiangyun. At dusk, Xiangyun left for the inspection meeting to prepare.

Chapter one hundred and thirty-two Investigation and repair
When the night falls, the keen consciousness of the land is aware of a little if-if breath again, which seems to be a signal to itself and a special contact method.
Fly from the land and transport it. In the bamboo forest, you come to a piece of land continuously.
Motivating the body’s eyes, at the same time relying on the right eye to search for the strange smell of bamboo forest
At this moment, Lu Li has no longer rejected the good fusion of critical eyes, and gradually mastered many secrets of critical eyes through communication with Jiutian Jingjiao.
This golden eye can not only send out a beam of golden light to fight the enemy, but also detect the breath of different creatures and communicate with them to some extent. This is also the reason why black cows appear together in the forest of golden-haired apes and beasts. After all, beasts and humans have different temperaments and are slightly peaceful, and beasts can often coexist and live in peace with each other.
"Don’t worry, I’ll be here."
The man is in the bamboo forest, but he is far away from it. Observing through his right eye, there is a layer of extremely hidden black brilliance outside the man, which makes his breath and night become a whole, unless he takes the initiative to show up and find out by his own roots.
It was the mysterious man who appeared before, dressed in black and handsome, with clear eyes and unfathomable eyes, who once again appeared in front of him.
"This force-"
Lu Li can’t help sighing when he sees a man’s appearance.
"This is the dark power of the five elements. The cultivation of immortals in Taikoo Gate in Central Africa is rarely involved." The man in black is indifferent.
Seeing that the man was frank and eloquent, he immediately said, "I have something to ask."
The man smiled indifferently and said, "But it’s ok."
When Lu Li thought about it, he asked, "What are your predecessors called?"
The man in black didn’t directly ask, "This doesn’t seem to be what you want to ask?"
At this moment, the four eyes of the man looked at each other and suddenly he was surprised. This man blazing with anger seemed to have insight into everything, and all his thoughts could not escape his gaze.
Lu Li was restless and finally made up his mind. He earnestly said, "Lotus is now silent and sleeping. The Zhongtian-level elixir is more precious than its predecessors’ mana. Please save it!"
At this moment, I left the Lotus Fairy and let go of my arrogance and sent a request to this unknown mysterious master, hoping that he could save the important person in his heart.
The man in black said indifferently, "The curse of fate twin heaven starts with you and ends with you."
Lu Li’s expression was stiff and excited. "Isn’t it what the predecessors said-"
Gently shaking his head, the man in black said, "Lotus Fairy’s fate is closely related to you. If I change her fate, you will bring disaster. This is against my original intention and it is not impossible to get the first-class pills."
Lu Li smell speech shine at the moment, the hope in my heart is greatly increased, and I hurriedly said, "Please speak about Lu Li and work hard to finish it."
The man in black simply said, "You will use all the magic to attack me."
As soon as the words fell, the strange light in the eyes of the international man flashed outside the two men, and the golden lock array once again enveloped this bamboo forest and isolated all the breath.
After listening to Lu Li, it was a burst of inexplicable doubts, but I no longer asked myself. Since this mysterious man is an enemy and not a friend, he will definitely show his true strength and show Lu Li’s unique attack on the mysterious man in black.
Take out the jade bamboo and refine it into a bamboo sword. First, throw out the sword tactic and attack the man in black.
The sword of cultivating immortals is the most commonly used instrument, and it is known as a hundred soldiers, and it is favored by people who cultivate immortals.
Lu Li’s first move is the introduction of the Cuizhu Sect. The twelve strokes and thirty-six styles of the Lingmu Sword are used continuously. It is hearty to attack in sequence and reverse the order from time to time.
To Lu Li’s horror, the mysterious man’s seemingly motionless surface is actually an extremely high-speed mysterious posture of his body to avoid landing and attack. The speed of this posture has exceeded the limit of Lu Li’s consciousness, far exceeding the frequency of detection waves that Lu Li can send out, which makes Lu Li feel helpless.
The mind is born with a plan to retreat several feet, and the bamboo shadow posture is incarnated into several places of worship, and each place of worship is printed with its own breath. Then several places of worship are transported at the same time, and the tricks are full of changes. This makes the black man smile and show his approval.
The combination effect of posture, sword and tactic is very obvious, and the offensive is sharp by three points immediately, but it still poses no threat to the man in black.
At the moment, there are also some white men who are inspecting and pointing out their own repairs.
Concentrate on immersion, strengthen the offensive again, and display the swordsmanship of Aoki Sage. Combine the swordsmanship of Lingmu with the swordsmanship, and the offensive will become more and more changeable. The original power of Pingling Wooden Sword is combined with the wooden intermediate sword, and the vitality will increase greatly after Qinglong spits out the fog, which makes Luli somewhat surprised.
Later, Lu Li also cast the five elements of the gods, Jin Mu fire, water, soil, five elements of force and bamboo array, and Yi Mu odd array merged. The Central Plains relied on Yi Mu aura array and was forcibly changed by Lu Li to the five elements of force, which actually had certain results.
From Vietnam, the more brave you are, the more you show what you have learned today. The attack by Red Shadow, Sword and Fire Kirin still did not cause any harm to the man. However, from the male expression, it is vaguely guessed that this mysterious man seems to be quite satisfied with his current practice.

Huan Yu said, "Yes, I went outside to peek at all kinds of scenes in the house. Later, I was also excited to rush in and rescue the girl, but suddenly I remembered that this ridge card was heavily defended and I ran all the way and intercepted it alone." Even if the real person found out, I should be on guard against a fierce battle in the south of the mountain, so I rushed into the house when I knew there was fraud! "

The beauty of Fanbang was stunned. "Since you saw that it was a fraud, you rushed in?"
Huanyu smiled proudly. "I, Huanyu, rushed from an evil ghost ridge in a fearful area. Do I trust this eagle dog?"
Liu Zhen just snorted that the beauty of the country had hurriedly said, "Is that why Mr. Huan broke in?" Huan Yu said, "That’s not to know that I missed the girl’s life even though I found a hypothetical judgment error in my heart. I came here specially to see the reaction of everyone in the room before I could decide that I didn’t expect these shameful eagle dogs to pounce on me immediately, which is why I tore off the girl’s arm rope!" Liu Zhen thundered, "Watch your mouth!"
Huan Yu said, "There is nothing to be polite about such a despicable mercenary as you …" He waited for the first two steps with his left hand and slammed it out of his mouth, and at the same time he shouted.
"Look at the palm!"
The palm of your hand split wildly, and the swing was fierce and abnormal. Liu Zhen’s face changed slightly, but he was humiliated three times and four times, so he could avoid weakness and quickly split a palm.
The palm of both sides touched Liu Zhen, but it was too late to say that the palm of the other side was firm and firm, but it was feminine. At that time, several strands of soft force had rushed into the chest from the gap. He was surprised and serious, and he was busy inhaling the concave chest to make a little gap. At the same time, he quickly retreated to a case and finally responded quickly, avoiding each other’s feminine killer.
Huan Yulang smiled, and the sword shook, and seven rays of light came out like a whirlwind and went to the punishment hall to divide Li Qin.
Li Qin looked solemn and waved his hand. The iron mirror was hard to seal. Huanyu had a well-thought-out sword. He had attacked the limit for more than four or five strokes in a row.
He knows that he is trapped in a tight encirclement, so he must first establish the courage of the enemy. Moreover, if he can hurt an enemy, he will reduce his strength by one point. After he attacked Li Qin, he stepped up his efforts!
Li Qin’s iron mace is a heavy weapon. If it is extremely powerful in a broad way, but at the moment, I am afraid that I have knocked over a long wooden table, and I am afraid that I will not let go of the dance when I find out that the table is Wu Fang, which naturally reduces a lot of power.
Huan word canthus has caught a glimpse of Liu Zhenting’s sudden strength, rising up and drinking with great power. A long sword can chop each other’s iron and steel to make a "choking" sound. His sword is powerful and powerful. He just chopped Li Qin’s mace and stabbed it into his chest. Suddenly Li Qin screamed and fell down with a mace. Huan Yu switched back to the sword field and swept it behind him. This move was as fast as lightning, and Liu Zhen’s long knife was just swept away. Liu Zhen was shocked by him and could not help but look slightly changed and drank once again.
That bond beauty I don’t know from the place to take out a pair of The Lancet head-on stopped huan yu Liu Zhen behind call way
"Girl, be careful, this fellow has a strong wrist!"
Huan Yu made a virtual move to sprinkle a sword and pop up a sword light at seven o’clock to attack the beauty of Fanbang, but suddenly pulled back the sword and swooped down on the long wooden table at the other end as fast as the switch.
At this time, there was a surge of knife light and firm but gentle murderous look in the room. If Youlong people rushed to the other end of the long table like tigers, the sword light was like a rainbow, and the Dongtang Division was not exhibited.
Mo Chen’s envoy is a three-edged steel file, but suddenly he swung his arm at the sword light and smashed his feet, but he dared to sneak a few feet in a slippery step. This is not a deterrent to Huan Yu’s whimsy, spicy fencing, and the courage is already cold, and he dare not plan to fight against the strong enemy.
Huan Yu’s ape’s arm stretched for several times, but Mo Zhen was forced to retreat far away and hurt him urgently.
At this time, the golden blade behind him split the wind and rolled to Huan Yu’s sword, and the sword came out from the flank with a quick jump. "Ding" sounded slightly, and the tip of the sword had picked the enemy weapon. He took advantage of the situation to turn around and attack the enemy sword before swallowing and spitting. This attack came from behind to Liu Zhen, the deputy general manager.
This ordinary sword in his hand is as powerful as the unpredictable dragons, and the shocking sword light is sprinkled to detain the Liu Jian from one end of the long wooden table to the other.
At this time, the beauty of that country still keeps her eyes fixed on his sword. If Huan Yu learns that Wu Fang is lying on a wooden table, he can take this opportunity to subdue the enemy and rescue people.
It’s a pity that I don’t know it at all, and Wu Fang’s acupuncture points are restricted and I can’t inform Huan Yu.
Huan Yu Jian chopped his feet and kicked several strokes to attack the knife-light figure in four aspects, and then stormed Liu Zhenxun. His appearance looked gentle and his swordsmanship also belonged to a dense and delicate road, but his conflict was extremely brave and amazing.
Liu Zhen’s art of using saber is profound, but it can’t stop Huan Yu’s fierce offensive. He is forced to retreat longitudinally, and Huan Zi’s long whistle is integrated into a sword, which is like a dazzling rainbow to Liu Zhen.
Fanbang beauty Jiao rebuked a flick of a knife to pounce on the sword, and the light of Huan Yu’s sword has emerged. Liu Zhen’s long knife tricks and sharp tips vomit Liu Zhen’s left shoulder and left leg each with a sword.
Liu Zhen stumbled back and had four or five broadswords to block Huan Yu’s way. Then the beautiful woman Liu Ye’s double knives were more flexible than flying and cutting bayonets, and she couldn’t even find her double knives to fight with her two swords, which made her fight with her.
This beautiful woman’s knife technique is sometimes bizarre and cunning, and sometimes it is greatly combined with the hasty method to find out her family number
Huan Yu told her that her eyes sparkled after seven strokes, but seeing that the room seemed to add a lot of strength to the big fellow, although Liu Zhen had won two swords, but the injury was not serious, he had already bandaged up and eyeing up one side and the other side was the East Hall Division Mozhan.
He felt in his heart that "the enemies are going to win more than one, and this plan of fencing by our method is really diabolical …" He turned to the fact that the swordsmanship in his hand was not slow, and that the beauty of the state suddenly launched a fierce offensive, and a pair of riveting knives were roaring and attacking.
Huan Yu’s appearance is downwind. But in my heart, I didn’t hurry and changed my mind. "Tonight, the enemy has finished disturbing the war of falling in love again, so it’s better to have a loss. They haven’t learned that I am good at charging and attacking before I suddenly break through!" Wait for the opportunity to make a comeback! "
At this time, the beauty of that country spilled thousands of knives and lights, which was more dominant. All the big men in the room were cheering and cheering.
Huan word laughed coldly and then narrowed the sword circle to induce the other side to attack and attack. Two people fought fiercely again in June and July. He suddenly roared with a sharp increase in sword force, swish with three swords in a row, and forced the beauty of that country to attack and eliminate the wall. Liu Zhen hastily gave orders. Suddenly, a large number of swords and shadows surged in the room and swept to the west like a flood. Huan Yu wanted them to be so suddenly and cast out his strong play all the way. The sword in his hand swept straight and blinked and rushed to the door.
Both Liu Zhen and Mo Zhen had been blocked head-on but could not stop this fierce straight-ahead play. They only ate the beauty of the country while he was swinging, and it was no exception. It made Huan Yu’s feet stop and Huan Yu rushed to the door. Suddenly, Huan Yu slammed a sword and chopped down two strong men and brushed them out of the house.
As soon as his feet touched the ground, he suddenly fell into a rage. In the dark, he heard the bowstring ringing wildly. Dozens of strong arrows had already hit the place where he had just rushed out of the house. If he hadn’t changed his mind quickly, he would have fallen into the roof. This rain of arrows would have been really difficult.
He rushed all the way to the east, and when he rushed out of the house with his unique posture, seven crossbowmen were smashed and screamed one after another.
The sharp flute must be the alarm signal of Ghost Ridge. His sword rushed across the mountain and walked out of more than ten miles to see if it had reached the ridge. Then he stopped to gasp and identify the terrain direction.
When I stopped, I found that my body, shoulders, back and legs were in equal pain. I bowed my head and examined it carefully. I had been stabbed three or four times.
He took out Dan medicine and sprinkled it on the wound, and then he tore the cloth from his clothes to tie up a wound on his back. Even if he didn’t sprinkle the knife medicine, he ignored it and sat down to rest for a while. Then he got up and ran forward with his sword. You know, he has been involved in Rongwu for many years, and he didn’t take the injury seriously after being scarred in the war, and he just made a charge to break through the tough play, which is the experience he accumulated in the battlefield. When a large number of people are crowded together, even a collar can be used to cast it. After he was injured, he realized how to deal with this
After a long journey in the dark, I still hear sharp taxes and harsh flutes from time to time, knowing that evil spirits will not let go easily. Probably, many troops have been sent to chase them separately.
Although he is not afraid, he has lost a lot of blood in several places due to physical injury, which has affected his physical strength. At this time, he is tired. If he wants to play another game, the other party will always suffer at most. If he wants to decide to go as far as he can, he can definitely let the other party chase after he has had enough rest before going back to Longhu Mountain Villa. When he is running forward, he still hears sharp flutes nearby, so he is forced to dare not rest and continue to rush forward. He keeps the advantage in front of the pursuer unconsciously. At this time, although there is no flute, Huan Yu thinks that if the enemy keeps chasing Therefore, he still refuses to rest, resists fatigue and rushes forward.
I don’t know how long I’ve been running, but I always feel tired, but I see a village a few miles away ahead. He dare not go to that village to spend the night and rest. When I ran to the mountain, I soon ran to a valley and saw a mountain spring flowing in a cliff on the right side of the valley. When I had a full drink in the past, I suddenly felt refreshed.
Then I turned to the right and got into a pile of wild bushes behind a towering old tree. Suddenly I found a cave in the concave part of the hillside at the root of this wild tree. The bottom of the cave was covered with dry grass leaves. I was so happy that I lay down and thought that this cave was not only comfortable but also very hidden. Even if I walked into this valley and searched it carefully, I would never find it out. At this time, his bones seemed to be falling apart. If my eyes met the enemy, the root had regained its strength and was captured! But he was so relieved that when his eyes closed, he was about to have a good sleep. Suddenly, he listened carefully and then gently extended his head from the hole and looked out through the gap between the trees!
See taniguchi appeared three figures, first a body cover note a long black robe, even the shoes cover the head, a piece of black cloth is made into a bag shape, and the targeting top is completely caged, revealing two bright eyes.
Men in black are followed by two people, one is a village girl dressed as a young girl, and the other is a strong and shirtless boy, about 16 or 17 years old.
The man in black is as light as a ghost, but the feet of the village girl and the able-bodied boy are dragging and kicking to make a noise. Huan Yu is shaken up by this strange sound and peeks.
After the black dress person entered the valley, he swam around and looked around at the shade in front of Huan Yu’s hiding place. It seemed that he took a fancy to this shade, and his left hand slowly raised the virtual virtual finger and the village girl and the able-bodied boy went straight to the shade.
Huan Yu saw that the village girl and the teenager didn’t know martial arts, so he stared at the black dress person’s every move without paying attention.
The black man was stiff when he walked, but he moved as fast as he could.
See the black dress person, a man and a woman around him in a circle, and the two of them stand still, unable to move their hands or feet.
After the black dress person walked for a turn, he stood in front of a man and a woman. If Tim Hanxing’s eyes were doomed to be silent, his face would not stand still. If not, his eyes would really be suspicious.
After a while, the black man slowly raised his right hand and said, "Take off your clothes!" The voice is short and powerful, and the tone is strict. As soon as you hear it, you know that this person is very confident and used to give orders.
Huan Yu heard the word "undress" before he was suddenly surprised. He was thinking that the black dress person was so gloomy and strange that he felt that he was not a good person. This sentence has fully proved this idea.
He patiently decided to wait and see if a demon in black would wait. I also want to see if the man and the woman are absolutely following his orders. It is a pity that the man and the woman turn their backs on themselves, so they can’t see their faces. However, from a quick glance earlier, I am afraid that this man and the woman are brothers and sisters.
The shirtless teenager didn’t move without clothes, and the village girl silently raised her hand and quickly took off her clothes and turned into a half-beauty.
The left hand of the demon man in black suddenly paused for a moment, and then slowly raised it coldly and said, "Take off your pants"!

Arrogant words laughed wildly, but Wu abandoned his face and immediately sank when he heard them. When Simon Qin spoke, he did not forget to show his thoughts.

Thick vicious and tortured thoughts fluctuate, which reflects many horrible punishments and miserable scenes, like the tide, to abandon Wu’s mind.
"evil thoughts"
Feel the tide and want to flood into your mind. Wu abandoned his eyes, his pupils shrank slightly and his eyes flashed with surprise.
Cold hum, a powerful mental force was suppressed like a mountain, and many vicious thoughts that poured into Wu abandoned his mind were all suppressed and disappeared.
"hey! Actually blocked my evil thoughts and attacked you. You are worthy of public fear. You will be tortured by the public later. "
"Let me control him now!"
Ximenqin suddenly patted his crown, and suddenly he saw the magic light flashing in a black light, the size of a fist, and the rusty surface was engraved with many ghost bronze bells slowly floating out.
Holding the bell in the palm of your hand, Ximenqin’s face showed a vicious murderous look, and he did not hide his murder in his eyes.
Some condensed bells rang as if the lake was calm, and a stone was thrown at it, and the calm was broken.
"Ding Rinrin …"
Suddenly, when the bell rang, it covered the whole ring in an instant, and there were a number of monsters and grotesque illusions. Suddenly, the virtual distortion of the ring surface gave birth to many strange pulling forces.
From time to time, those unpredictable sucking and pulling forces turn illusory claws into places abandoned by Wu, and they seem to want to seize something to disturb the whole thing, but it is more violent than ever.
"It’s the mourning bell that smells of the ancient magic way. Practitioners practice peerless magic skills and refine 19,000 mourning bells to spread the mourning soul and destroy the fairy array, and slay the Godsworn Wan Xiandao’s fierce magic flame."
"The ancient spiritual practitioner was really fierce, and Ximenqin got a lost soul bell by luck, but he didn’t expect to take it out as soon as he got it."
"This is for the Wu abandoned is not an ordinary brother, I vaguely feel him out, his body seems to contain a very terrible power afraid …"
Monty outside the battlefield, there are many people staring at this game, and there are three elders and some strong Yuanying bodhi old zu.
Wu abandoned all the way to kill his opponent, no matter how high or low he was, to show him a trace of murder or greed. Wu abandoned the killer and ignored the two big doors behind those brothers. He wanted to come here this time and it was a big three.
Since the elders of Phantom Charm Sect and Poison Sect dare to kill him, it is natural for him to kill all his opponents. Even if he digs out a big basket, even if he kills two patriarchs and brothers, he can blame him.
This idea of abandoning Wu’s hand is naturally impolite. Every time you fight against your opponent, there is a result that you will die in Wu’s hands.
"Ding Rinrin …"
The bell suddenly became more urgent and resounded like a rainstorm in the ring. At this moment, the surface is full of strange sucking and pulling forces, which are harmful to the body but can affect the soul. An ordinary person here is afraid that hiding the body soul immediately will be broken by those claws.
As the name suggests, the Soul Bell is a magic weapon specifically for the soul. Although it is incomplete and incomplete, it is only 19,000 pieces, but only that one is enough to make Yuan Ying, the bodhi old zu, and the monk, with a little carelessness, will be in a desperate situation and be torn to pieces by life.
The Soul Bell is the most powerful treasure left by Ximen Qin, relying on the ancient practitioners. His imperial envoy’s magic weapon is Jiedan’s peak opponent. He also dares to defeat the late Jiedan in World War I, and he doesn’t care about it. Now he has taken out the Soul Bell, which is very highly regarded by Wu Abandon.
"Wu abandoned the public to see how long you can last. It’s not something you can imagine."
"Give me the soul claw!"
Ximenqin seems to be very mindful of Wu’s abandonment, especially before he watched Wu’s abandonment of the ring and fought with others for fear that he would take out that strange dark red vine before he died. He vowed to slay Wu’s abandonment of the ring.
Wrist shaking really yuan, constantly urging the primitive bronze bell in the hands to make a rush than the bell disturbing the virtual and fierce, biting the tip of the tongue, spitting out JingXie, and criticizing the bell face in the hands.
At the moment, generate, the soul bell, gave an unprecedented intense light, and black fog and black light came out of it, and then he saw a huge claw as black as ink sticking out from there.
As soon as this giant claw appeared, it shook the virtual body, but it was clearly visible. It seemed to be a series of crawling black ribs, surrounded by black fog, which was terrible
"Give me his soul out, I want to poison the fire and cut off his reincarnation. Hahaha …"
A big mouthful of JingXie cast out this trick, and Ximenqin seemed to have seen Wu Abandon’s soul and was arrested by the giant claw, and then he poisoned the fire and lit the soul lamp.
It’s a pity that he was wrong. It’s not that he ignored the power of the funeral lamp and cast it on the wrong object
"It’s pathetic. I’ll send you the way."
Wu abandoned suddenly step by step as if he had not received the influence of the funeral lamp and stepped out directly, and then the whole person came to the front of Ximenqin.
It’s better than calm. Blow out a punch, and blow up that black-as-ink claw. An incredible scene appeared in front of Ximenqin, and he didn’t want to believe it.
The giant claw’s ability to resist Wu abandoned his fist and dispersed its roots. Before Ximenqin could respond, Wu abandoned his fist and directly flew to Ximenqin, who had already froze.
"How did this happen … what’s going on?"
Ximenqin was surprised that he couldn’t express himself in words. He imagined that all the monks at the peak of Jiedan would be caught in a bitter struggle, and that he would be defeated so easily by a monk at the middle of Jiedan.
However, his doubts only lasted for a moment, and in a moment, he lost his qualification to think.
The fist smashed Ximenqin’s body, and a faint light flashed, and it seemed as if it were nine deep and remote. The breath poured into Ximenqin’s body, and in an instant, all the vitality was cut off, and there was an extra body on the ground.
The fight is over, but a large group of people are in shock outside the war.
Wu abandoned at the moment, regardless of the off-site. If he killed Ximenqin, he immediately turned his palm to the ground of the ring, and suddenly a light flew up and fell into his palm. It was the biggest reliance of Ximenqin that lost his soul. Now it is cheaper to abandon Wu.